
Can you upload food photos during fasting? Make Cancel? This is the explanation!

We live in an era of openness, where we can share anything through social media and other media. Many people share what they will, are, and have done.

One that is often done is to take photos of food before eating it. Usually, food photographed is restaurant or homemade food.

Well, what if we do it during the fasting month? Can we upload photos of food in this fasting month?

Pro Cons of Uploading Food Photos in the Fasting Month
Uploading food photos is indeed a common activity carried out by various age groups, from teenagers to mothers.

In fact, there was someone who insinuated that the slogan prayed before the meal had shifted into a photo before eating.

There has been no fatwa or law in Islam that is clearly related to uploading photos of food in the fasting month, including spreading it on Instagram.

Therefore, Jaka will try to see the topic of this problem from two sides, namely from the positive and negative sides.

Thus, you can judge for yourself whether the activity of photographing the food you are doing is right or wrong.

Positive Side of Uploading Food Photos

When we see photos of food, what is on our minds? One of them is to get an idea of ​​what to eat (or in the context of fasting, what do you want to break the fast).

It could also be after seeing photos of food, we were inspired to make these foods. We will look for recipes and try them when approaching Maghrib time.

Well, by uploading photos of food when fasting, we might be able to inspire others to do the two things above, gang!

Negative Side Upload food photos

On the other hand, many negative things can happen when we upload photos of food in this holy month of Ramadan.

First, there might be people who aren't as fortunate as we see these delicious foods. They feel sad because they cannot afford the food.

Besides that, not everyone has strong faith when looking at food photos. It could be, they are tempted to cancel the fast because they are tempted to see the photo.

Not to mention if we upload photos with the intention of showing off, both showing food and showing off worship. Certainly this will reduce the reward of our fast.

Tips for Uploading Food Photos Without Damaging Fasting
You can still upload food during the fasting month by following the tips Jaka will recommend below, gang!

1. Intend not to show off

Everything starts with intentions, including uploading photos of food. If you intend to show off, it will obviously hurt yourself and maybe others.

Therefore, be willing to inspire others to be able to determine the break-fast menu.

2. Upload After Breaking Fast
To reduce the potential for sin, you can postpone uploading photos of your food after breaking the fast.

If people see it, their fasting will not be disturbed because they are already allowed to eat.

3. Give recommendations or food recipes

Don't just upload photos of food, gang! Give added value that is useful for others.

For example, in the caption section you can give a reason why you recommend a photographed food.

Another example, if you cook it yourself, you can share food recipes that can be tried by people who see the photo.

4. Not Overdone
Whatever is done excessively has never been good, including the activity of uploading photos of this food.

Do not upload food photos too often, especially during the day or evening, when the stomachs of people fast are hungry.

It's a pity they have to be tempted by their faith just because of the many photos of food you upload on social media.

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